“Canada has an impressive and thriving theatre blogs scene”

Canadian theatre makers and their blogs continue to shed the veneer of politeness that some say has characterized us abroad. Today, Chris Wilkinson of the Guardian UK recounts the week of that was in Canadian theatre controversy: Noise off: Oh, Canada.

6 thoughts on ““Canada has an impressive and thriving theatre blogs scene”

  1. heh, nice! I’ve gotta say, it’s not just Summerworks that has gotten lots of traction out of these videos. *grin*

  2. Yes, just as men do with women, foreigners think it’s cute and hilarious when we Canadians get even a little feisty. To all foreigners reading this: FUCK YOU. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

  3. I like foreigners. I hope they continue to have an interest in Canadian affairs.

  4. Megan: See, SummerWorks is about sharing the love. Even if its through superficial, sexist and mysoginist means.

    Anonymous: You are a poet.

    Ian: You’re nice.

  5. What I found really funny is that Ali gets a mention for copying the CBC article about Simon Lee and making a single comment. So maybe to get attention I should stop writing my long posts, just copy some press release and make a one-word comment? Would save me a heck of a lot of time.

    Of course, I can’t complain. I did get a mention in the Guardian for something that wasn’t even theatre-related (the Telectroscope). It’s strange what gets noticed.

  6. In May 2008, more than a century after it was begun, the tunnel was finally completed. An extraordinary optical device called a Telectroscope was installed at both ends which miraculously allowed people to see right through the Earth from London to New York and vice versa. On 15th June, having helped more than 50,000 people establish or rekindle transatlantic friendships, the Telectroscopes vanished, as mysteriously as they had first appeared.

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