If it’s broke . . .

. . . fix it. University of North Carolina theatre professor and Theatre Ideas blogger Scott Walters argues the case for the theatre generalist: “. . . given the economics of theatre, the generalist is vastly more valuable than the specialist, and that theatre history bears this out. Moliere was a great playwright AND the […]

Walters is back with more Theatre Ideas

After a 40-day hiatus, University of North Carolina theatre professor Scott Walters has revived his popular and controversial Theatre Ideas blog. Back in early May, Walters closed the doors on his blog and expressed disappointment with the regional bickering that had begun to dominate the debate: “I have used this blog, especially during the past […]

Red-state theatre

In the second in his series of follow-ups to our recent interview with him (and some of the heated discussion the followed elsewhere), University of North Carolina theatre professor Scott Walters has elaborated on this question: Do you think conservative, right-wing politics are somehow fundamentally at odds with the arts community? In expanding his argument, […]

The New York City problem?

In what he’s said will be the first in a series of follow-ups to our recent interview with him (and some of the comments that followed), University of North Carolina theatre professor Scott Walters has elaborated on the “centralization of theatre” issue. In this post, he argues that the centralization of American theatre is sapping […]